Sunday, September 5, 2010

Back again, with no excuses for my long absence except that the boys and I have thoroughly enjoyed our summer and early fall, albeit without Chris, and it's hard to find the time or energy at the end of the day to post.
I got to Skype with Chris yesterday and he is looking quite well. He's started growing some sideburns and his hair is too long, but nonetheless he is a handsome devil and my heart will be glad when he finds his way back to us. The boys were uncharacteristically good while we Skyped, playing by themselves and popping in and out to make appearances. As some of you know, this is not the norm. There's usually a great deal of furniture-jumping and brother smacking while I'm trying to carry on some semblance of a normal conversation with my loved ones.
Today is Sunday and I'm so looking forward to church. So blessed to have found a place where both the boys and I feel comfortable and part of a congregation. Lots of military families who understand how hard it is to come in and feel welcome in a tight knit town. Jake will start church school this month and Evan will continue to visit the nursery, with Miss Annie, who tirelessly watches him ride the plastic horse with a look of joy on her face.
What else is new? Jake is truly enjoying his first grade class. We've warmed up to the routine of homework each night and get it done promptly after school, before fatigue sets in and makes concentration difficult. He remains an excellent reader and my favorite thing to hear is his beautiful inflection while he reads aloud. When Chris asked what he was learning, he had the luxury of saying, "Nothing I don't already know..." Not for long, my love. Not for long, I thought.
Evan is as busy as ever, adding more and more words to his vocabulary. His favorite is "dinner" (or "DIN-nah") when he cooks for myself or various stuffed animal friends using his new kitchen and play food. He is a very considerate host and eager to serve second, third, or fourth helpings of our favorites.
We have worked our way up to number three on the on-base housing waiting list and our ears are perked for the sound of a call telling us we've got a house sometime this fall. The move will be an inconvenience, as usual, but will be far outweighed by having so many of our friends and favorite destinations just minutes away.
Where you are the weather is probably turning cooler, signaling the beginning of what I've always thought was the most beautiful season of all -- autumn. While we have much to enjoy here, I am truly missing the season of harvest on the mainland. As I said nearly a year ago in my first post, pumpkin lattes just don't taste the same in the land of aloha.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Plugging Away

Well friends, I have only good things to report as we round the bend in June. I had an absolutely wonderful birthday; truly bolstered by the love and support of my friends and little boys. My friend Dawn and her two kiddos took us out to breakfast first thing. We had a small wait from the Father's Day rush but it wasn't much, and I was able to open the gift Jake picked out for me: an amber colored hurricane and lavender candle from Pier One, along with a package of multicolored butterfly guest soaps. Midday was spent at "Up in Smoke" where a friend competed in a meat smoking contest, and the boys enjoyed shave ice and bounce houses, and we rounded out the day with a delicious baked ziti and cake with friends from the squadron. Fantastic!
Jake is in his second week of Kitchen Investigators, learning more and more each day. This weekend we are going to practice two of the weeks recipes: scrambled eggs and bagel pizzas! Just two hours each morning is enough to keep his interest from day to day and doesn't bore him. He's also begun his karate class in town and is enthusiastic about beginning the path to full-on ninja stardom.
Evan is testing new words each day. My favorites are "cool," "pool," and "hot-dog." His favorite activity is running like a madman outside when he hears the brakes of the garbage truck coming up the hill, yelling "YELLOW!!! YELLOW!!" (Can you guess what color it is, kids?) He also enjoys counting, whether it's the buses on the road, or mimicking Jake playing hide and seek. His numbers start and end with three, or his version of it, which makes it super cute.
No big plans for the fourth of July (or as Chris insists, Independence Day); going to run the Runway 5K to celebrate my healed stress fracture and take the kids to the parade downtown. I think we'll enjoy the fireworks from the privacy of our own house; one of the fringe benefits of living on the highest hill in Kailua. You really should come see it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Evan and I at the Pier

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing

Oh, THERE She Is

Well, the time for deployment has come and here I am, back on the blog. Things were going so smoothly. You had to know that's why no one was hearing from me. Because things were going so well. It's true, I'm a fair-weather friend, and was so busy being happy that I didn't take time to update the blog. And then June rolls around the corner and "pop"-- out of the woodwork, here I come, friends, with more tales of woe. So predictable!
Chris left yesterday for the boat; got to fly on to the ship from the squadron so we dropped him off like any other day, except of course, that it wasn't. We managed to stay awfully busy after seeing him off. We went to the beach, watched a movie, got ice-cream with friends whose husbands had gone with Chris, and had a dinner/playdate with our neighbors. All of which landed us home just in time for bath, books and bed. Just as I'd cunningly planned. At the moment, unfortunately, it seems to be 3 a.m., and I'm wide awake after Jake's nightly coughing fit, waiting for the cough medicine to kick in so I can get back to sleep. Both boys have had a post-nasal drip that really gets a grip after half a night's sleep; Jake's is just hanging on longer than is welcome. But see how productive I've been while I was waiting?

Friday, April 2, 2010

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lion?

March on Oahu was a little different than the mainland. It doesn't seem to be receding like a good little lamb. Instead it is gusting and blowing and threatening to buffet us right off the hill we've come to call home. Rain comes and goes so fleetingly it calls us all fools: no sooner do we dash madly to our homes and cars than the sun is back, burning away every trace of cloud so that we look down at our wet shirts and wonder if we dreamed the whole thing.
The t-ball season is in full swing, heaven help us, and tomorrow is our fourth game. Jake is doing really well -- it IS his 3rd season -- he's a consistently good hitter and fields as well as any 5 year old. I hired an adorable sitter named Mollie to watch Evan while we practice & play; they walk off hand in hand to the playground while the balls fly and thus far the arrangement seems to please everyone. Belinda and I continue to bolster each others spirits and are doing the best we can with what God gave us. And them.
Chris is preparing for a summer deployment and has been out on the ship for 2 five-day intervals getting some practice in with the air crew to ready themselves for months at sea. These "work-ups" have been good for the boys and me, too, giving us the confidence we need to prepare for time without dad around. I had a chance to meet with other ship spouses this week and their organization, the Family Readiness Group, has lots of activities planned to foster a support network amongst the families while the ship is at sea.
We enjoyed our Easter Sunday at home, taking the boys to church and to brunch at the Club. It was a surprisingly dismal day for Hawaii, with bouts of rain throughout the day. We made a delicious ham dinner with veggie sides and Chris got his hands (and feet) dirty cleaning out our garden fountain. Hope you guys had a great holiday too.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Full House

Can it possibly be March? We've been here 5 months already! Almost half a year since I've seen you, at least! It has finally gotten cold here. Don't laugh, but when you are used to 88 and sunny, 66 and windy is uncomfortable. Chris' parents are here with us, now about 1/2 through their visit. We are having a fine time, going about our daily business and the boys are absolutely thrilled to have all the attention. I'm getting to go out to lunch with girlfriends and go grocery shopping by myself. I'm even able to run Kailua beach in the morning while they all play in the sand. I am in heaven! Tomorrow begins the t-ball season and guess what? I am the assistant coach! My good friend Belinda stepped up as coach on the condition that I would back her up. We are the Phillies (of course!) and I bought red shirts at the Exchange today so I look official out on the field. Look the part and the rest will come, I keep telling myself. We've spent the last week madly preparing drills and assembling equipment. Can you believe the league didn't have any tee's to give out??!
Nothing new on the work-front, though I am helping Chris by designing a didactic panel for a new simulator building being dedicated to a medal of honor recipient. He's presenting my idea to the Commanding Officer tomorrow, we'll see if it gets approved. I'm not holding my breath: military graphics haven't yet proved themselves to be on the cutting edge of visual literacy.
Evan is verbalizing more and more: this week he said kayak (gay-yah), Grandma (gay-yah), and guava (gay-yah). His growth in vocabulary is truly amazing.
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. It just means we are content, cruising through each day much like the one before. Wish me luck on the ball field.