Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are the Holidays Here?

Man, it really doesn't feel like fall. Is it still technically fall if the weather hasn't changed and isn't going to? I am usually the first in line for all things pumpkin, but I just can't get into it here. You should have seen our pathetic attempt at carving jack-o-lanterns. Even Jake wasn't enthused.
Anyway, I'm resolving to somehow infuse us with holiday spirit over the next few weeks. There's lots of cute Mele Kelikimaka stuff around (oops, spoiler alert for your Christmas gifts, fam) so I think the boys and I will head down to the big exchange and start to deck the--already crowded--halls.

Monday, November 9, 2009

(Be)Coming Home

Well, this is it. 1257 Mapuana Street is officially feeling like home. Chris and I speak often about how it's the perfect house for us and are so glad our first "love", on Kuuna Street, didn't work out. The boys have an awesome play area in the sunroom and easy access to the backyard. Even the ominous "multipurpose room" is emptying out.
Chris and I had two fun dates this weekend, once to Italian dinner at the Baci Bistro and the next to the Windward Mall for coffee and window shopping. And two good sitters who enjoyed watching the boys for us. We also fired up the grill for the first (and second) time for hot dogs and chicken. A banner weekend to bring in the holiday season!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Aaaaah! At long last our goods have arrived and we begin the long process of putting the puzzle back together. The house is undoubtedly smaller than Rosecroft, and we are making use of the "multipurpose" room for added storage at the moment. We will probably have to rent a storage unit, at least for our washer and dryer! Chris and I were up late last night unpacking and every other room is livable, if a far cry from tidy. I'm not showing you pictures until I see tidy!
I've interviewed three guys to do our lawn maintenance, choosing tomorrow and am eager to get that underway. Each one was blown away by our view and location: Chris G and the Magic Computer strike again.
We've got tons of rain here lately, and a temperature the locals call cold. The boys were still out half-naked with a hose this afternoon, if that gives you any idea how warm we think it is!