Thursday, October 29, 2009

3 More Days

Good news! Our household goods have arrived and can be delivered on Monday. Three more days of camping and then we all get our own beds back. It feels like a weight has been lifted, just knowing that the end is near. I also interviewed two young women as babysitting candidates and have scheduled "trial" dates for next weekend so they can hang with the boys. And Chris and I get to go out! What a treat that will be, even if only for a few hours.
Tomorrow Evan and I go for our orientation at the base CDC (Child Development Center) and I can then begin to sign him up for "hourly care" affording me another opportunity to take some time for myself. Or, make time for the mountain of freelance work that has chosen this moment to pile itself on my desk. Alas, soon the bills will begin to roll in and I'll be glad for it.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to you. I love mountains that you can climb. You will make it all work, don't worry. Posted pics of halloween.
    We missed you this year, the boys asked where the party was.

    Thinking of you,
