Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Oh, I am SO excited for Christmas. We've had a really enjoyable couple of weeks now leading up to it, including a lovely visit with Shawn and Barb last week. We hosted them for dinner one night and went out to the Kona Brewery later in the week. The house looks great, though our poor tree is seeing it's final days: so brown and brittle, we will have to take it down soon over the weekend I fear. We've received a good number of beautiful Christmas cards, considering our recent change of address, and the photo cards hang around the pantry where I can enjoy the faces of my dearest each time I pass. How lucky we are!
Jake was an angel in his school pageant, where his class sang, "Happy Birthday Jesus." Chris took video, we'll see if he can get it loaded up for you all.
Yesterday we visited gigantic Ala Moana Center, to ride the Candy Cane Train and sit with Santa. At last, we found the REAL SANTA...Jake has no tolerance for removable facial hair, it turns out.
We're planning on Roasted Red Pepper Lasagna for Christmas Eve Dinner, and have invited our friend Sara and her two girls (same ages as our boys), whose husband is deployed, to dinner with us. After dinner we'll go looking for lights in Kaneohe and set out our sugar cookies for Santa. We'll do church on Christmas morning at Emmanuel, and then back to the Lloyds house for Christmas dinner. I think it's pretty much mandatory to enjoy the beach sometime during the day, though the water is probably a mite cold to swim. We might try our hands at a sandman, Frosty's gritty cousin. And of course lots of Skyping to all!! Merry Christmas, loved ones.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Here Comes the Holiday

We've had a busy couple of weeks and the holidays are officially here. We continue to enjoy our new surroundings immensely and spend much of the day outside, despite the dip in the temperatures of late. (Mind you, it is still impossibly beautiful, just cool enough for pants or a sweatshirt once the sun goes down.)
We had a lovely Thanksgiving with the Lloyds and several other families. The kids ate little and played much while the dads watched football and the wives all sampled the six pies that found their way to the dinner table! Earlier in the day we explored the botanical garden in the next town and fed the ducks, then ran from them when they tried to take Evan away.
Black Friday Belinda and I hit the stores from 5:30 to around noon. Wal-Mart was absolutely insane! Their were plasma screen TVs on every other cart and lines wrapped around the store. Made me realize why I skip Black Friday on the mainland. But, I was willing to try anything to help usher in the holiday spirit. Even if it was the angry, rude, and exhausted spirit...
This week we have two holiday parties scheduled: the first was Wednesday at the Hale Koa for all hands from HSL37. The food was great, and though we didn't score any of the huge prizes being given away we had a great time being out with the friends we've made so far. I wish I had someone take a photo of us, 'cause we were looking GOOD!
Tomorrow night is the wardroom party at the CO's house. The theme is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and I have yet to discern what that means for our attire...perhaps a photo will be in order there, too.
We've got our tree up here in the main room, and it is a beauty. We mixed in plumeria shaped lights with our standard whites and it is beautiful. Once I get our boxes off to the post office I can start wrapping the goodies for the boys to plump up the underside of the tree.
Shawn and Barb will be here a week from Sunday and then we will really have reason to celebrate: what a treat to have some family to share all of this heaven with!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Are the Holidays Here?

Man, it really doesn't feel like fall. Is it still technically fall if the weather hasn't changed and isn't going to? I am usually the first in line for all things pumpkin, but I just can't get into it here. You should have seen our pathetic attempt at carving jack-o-lanterns. Even Jake wasn't enthused.
Anyway, I'm resolving to somehow infuse us with holiday spirit over the next few weeks. There's lots of cute Mele Kelikimaka stuff around (oops, spoiler alert for your Christmas gifts, fam) so I think the boys and I will head down to the big exchange and start to deck the--already crowded--halls.

Monday, November 9, 2009

(Be)Coming Home

Well, this is it. 1257 Mapuana Street is officially feeling like home. Chris and I speak often about how it's the perfect house for us and are so glad our first "love", on Kuuna Street, didn't work out. The boys have an awesome play area in the sunroom and easy access to the backyard. Even the ominous "multipurpose room" is emptying out.
Chris and I had two fun dates this weekend, once to Italian dinner at the Baci Bistro and the next to the Windward Mall for coffee and window shopping. And two good sitters who enjoyed watching the boys for us. We also fired up the grill for the first (and second) time for hot dogs and chicken. A banner weekend to bring in the holiday season!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Aaaaah! At long last our goods have arrived and we begin the long process of putting the puzzle back together. The house is undoubtedly smaller than Rosecroft, and we are making use of the "multipurpose" room for added storage at the moment. We will probably have to rent a storage unit, at least for our washer and dryer! Chris and I were up late last night unpacking and every other room is livable, if a far cry from tidy. I'm not showing you pictures until I see tidy!
I've interviewed three guys to do our lawn maintenance, choosing tomorrow and am eager to get that underway. Each one was blown away by our view and location: Chris G and the Magic Computer strike again.
We've got tons of rain here lately, and a temperature the locals call cold. The boys were still out half-naked with a hose this afternoon, if that gives you any idea how warm we think it is!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

3 More Days

Good news! Our household goods have arrived and can be delivered on Monday. Three more days of camping and then we all get our own beds back. It feels like a weight has been lifted, just knowing that the end is near. I also interviewed two young women as babysitting candidates and have scheduled "trial" dates for next weekend so they can hang with the boys. And Chris and I get to go out! What a treat that will be, even if only for a few hours.
Tomorrow Evan and I go for our orientation at the base CDC (Child Development Center) and I can then begin to sign him up for "hourly care" affording me another opportunity to take some time for myself. Or, make time for the mountain of freelance work that has chosen this moment to pile itself on my desk. Alas, soon the bills will begin to roll in and I'll be glad for it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Camped out

So, we made it through the weekend. I didn't sleep a wink last night, but the boys did fine on their air mattresses and new surroundings. We ate dinner tonight on the floor in the dining room and Chris bought us chaise lounges yesterday as our living room furniture. It is quite a comical set-up we've got.
We had a great breakfast (out) this morning at a restaurant whose specialty is macadamia nut sauce on their banana is a MUST when you come to visit! Then we went to the beach, got drenched and headed home.
Tomorrow I meet with the housing office about loaner furniture so we can look forward to proper seating arrangements soon. That's a sure sign the household goods will arrive. I've also got a few sitters I'm going to interview this week so that Chris and I can take a date night now and then.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Moving Day

Uh-oh...we just found out we have been paying out of pocket to stay at the Villa for the past 7 days, so we are making a hasty retreat tomorrow morning to Mapuana Street. We'll live like refugees through the weekend on borrowed air mattresses and sleeping bags, but the base will provide loaner furnishings Monday or Tuesday...
Another adventure begins.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Posting from Phone

This is just a test to see how well my phone can post and upload photos. Here's one of Jake before school on Aloha Friday and Evan on Kailua Beach.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A little bit of home

Yesterday we received our express shipment: some toys, dishes and kitchenware. It was fun to see our stuff again and means we are one step closer to being settled. While I waited for the truck, I drove around the neighborhood, picking out the best "block" for us to traverse on our walks. I also spent some time watering the yard. The homeowner did lots of planting, but they've gone neglected for a few months and now need a kick in the rear. (Or some water and MiracleGro.)
I went to my first spouses club meeting last night, now a department head spouse and presumably with a bit more responsibility coming my way, especially as Chris prepares to deploy in the new year. The wives seem very kind and look out for each other in the absence of family: I'm looking forward to knowing them better and becoming 'one of the gang.' I was once again welcomed to the group: this time with a lei, a pineapple and a serving dish from the club.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just In

Just back from our first trip to the new house. It's smaller and more-70's era than I recall from my first viewing, but the yard is just beautiful and there's even more storage than I remembered. I'm starting a mental to-do list that includes new chandeliers and painting the bedroom and maybe a wall of the living room. And a trip to the nursery: they've left lots of pots for me to fill, as well as a vast array of their own plants, including orchids (!), herbs and roses. Time for me to step up to the plate when it comes to yard work!
The owners are just wonderful and made themselves available for whatever help we need. They raised their children to adulthood in the house and put a lot of hours into making it a place they could enjoy, so I have no doubt we will too.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Loving it

Have I mentioned how much I love it here? It is so, so beautiful everywhere you look. Even the utility of the base is overshadowed by the majesty of the natural surroundings. The mountains today are particularly stunning, the way the sun shines and creates highlights and shadows on the sharp contours. I'm really enjoying my mornings alone with Evan after we drop Jake off at school. Today we went to Kailua beach park, the prettiest in town, and just sat and played in the sand and listened to the waves. Isn't that the most perfect?? All while Jake is merrily off in a wonderful school where the principal meets the car and he gets to eat a sloppy joe for lunch. I'm drowning in happiness.
Tomorrow is our walk-through at Mapuana street and the official start of the lease. I can not wait to see the property again and walk around mentally placing our furniture. In that sense it's a good thing the furniture hasn't arrived: we'll have a chance to consider the arrangement before movers start slinging boxes around.
Jake starts t-ball on Saturday and is on the Brewers with 2 other boys he knows. They'll practice 2-3 times a week with games on the weekend at a local school. He's gonna be wiped with all that activity on top of kindergarten!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Long Weekend

We are officially in the midst of a long weekend. Chris had yesterday off, and of course Monday as well. A rare treat. Yesterday we went to the Mall at Pearl Harbor to shop for Jake's school supplies and search for Chris' elusive Jeep. This morning Chris has promised us a family trip to Pyramid Rock beach, the nicest on base. We are careful to go early and not stay too long -- not a problem for Evan who is nonplussed by sand and waves. Everyday we keep our fingers crossed for our household goods shipment...wouldn't it be fun to be in the house next weekend?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ready for school

So, good intentions be damned, we decided to just enroll Jake in St. John Vianney in Kailua. He went in this morning for "evaluation" (the teacher said he belongs in 8th grade) and enrollment and he'll start at 7:30 a.m. on Monday. I am so excited for him and know this year will be wonderful for him...and me! The office manager, Annie, is an absolute doll and the heart of the school. If it hadn't been for her warm welcome and commendation of the school and administration, I think we might have pursued other schools with more vigor. In any case, we left with a bag full of second-hand uniforms to be worn as follows: 2 days khaki and polo shirt, 2 days PE uniform, 1 day "aloha" gear. What, you ask, is aloha gear? School sanctioned crazy hawaiian shirt day. Anyway, I'll post photos on Monday!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Our first photos of Mapuana Street! It's on a corner lot, and we could just photograph the exterior yesterday, but it's really pretty. I guess there's a guava tree and one of the neighbors has harvesting rights and brings the jam that she makes from them.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Sweet Fancy Moses, We're on a Roll

Thank the maker, we seem to be on a roll here. We got a nice call this morning from Marilyn, who said she would be pleased to rent us our first choice house, 1257 Mapuana Street, Kailua. (BTW, we were also offered Kuuna Street, but declined since we'd decided Mapuana was a better fit for us without the nasty vibe.) We sign our lease on Monday morning and will get the keys on the 15th. I can't wait to show it to you guys! I'm going to order some vintage hawaiian travel posters to give it a real hawaiian vibe.
We also toured Saint John Vianney with the principal this morning, though the kids are on break until October 12th. The facility is old, no doubt, but the class sizes are small and feel like he would be well-cared for in such a small community. I think I will at least look at the public school option, but think SJV is going to be our choice.
I'm off to a wives event this evening and Chris has a work event tomorrow night but the rest of the weekend should be relaxed, finally!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tentatively Hopeful

Here we go again...we've seen another nice property, this one higher up the same hill as Kuuna Street, with a fantastic view from the roof deck, loads of security, a beautiful yard and lots of storage and living space. The rent would also allow us to send Jake to St. John Vianney, which would give us security in the educational realm as well. Don't have any pictures yet, but as soon as we have something in writing we will post some. We still don't know if the Kuuna Street deal went bad, but now we, too, have decided to hedge our bets so we will win no matter which comes through. Keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming, I know we've got good news around the corner!

Monday, September 28, 2009

1259 Kuuna Street

Hip, hip hooray! We found a great place up on a hill in Kailua. It's just perfect for us, well within our budget and hence will allow us to send Jake to a private school just down the street. All is coming up roses! Posting a few photos from the real estate site, too bad they don't show the big backyard with a MACADAMIA NUT TREE!!!! We'll get to move in the middle of October, just about when our household goods arrive.

It's Making Me Dizzy

Groan...this house hunt is a roller-coaster. Yesterday at lunch we had two options that we believed were so promising that we honestly couldn't choose between them. By dinnertime neither was a viable option. The first, the worst house on the best block, would have required far too much manpower and maintenance for only a temporary stay (it had a POOL); the second, perfect in almost every way, is just out of our budget and the rental price is firm. And so we start the day with a blank slate. Again.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hail, hail

Had a good time at our hail last night. It was a service auction fundraiser for the wives club. We bid on and won a Kona Coffee Basket. You don't want to know how much. Anyway, the company was fine and Chris and I found a couple we enjoyed chatting with so it seems our social life is off to a good start.
Chris is off again to look at houses. He is absolutely tireless in his pursuit of housing out in town. I told him it won't be long before he doesn't even need a GPS to find the addresses! I feel confident we will secure something in the next few days and will be glad to have the affair settled and get Jake registered in school.
I took Evan to one of the four beaches on the base this morning and there was an amateur surf competition getting underway. I took a few photos and will try to upload here soon.

Friday, September 25, 2009

First Friday

Happy Friday. I found the ocean on my run this morning and was again blow away by the natural beauty on all sides. I ran through both the old and new base housing and the new stuff is pretty sweet, while the old looks decrepit. All of it is surrounded by the most beautiful smelling trees and bushes. This morning I took the boys over to one of the many base playgrounds, right across the street, and thought hopefully about days when we are settled in a neighborhood here, too. We're hoping to see at least one house this afternoon, then this evening Chris and I are attending our "Hail" where we are greeted by the squadron while our friend Belinda watches the boys.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Getting Settled, Chapter 1

Since there's a lot going on and the time change makes updates difficult, I thought I'd do the dread blog to keep you guys in the loop. Sorry it's so impersonal, but this way I can make sure I tell each of you the same news.
We spent 3 nights at the luxurious Hale Koa in Waikiki, then opted to relocate to the MCAS Kaneohe to cut down on the commute as Chris starts work and we continue house-hunting and get Jake started in school. The hotel was right on the beach with two pools, myriad restaurants, and the sweetest housekeeping staff in the world. Part of me was sorry to give up "vacation" for the utility of a Marine base, but that was before I saw where Chris was taking us...
Now we are in a "villa" that is absolutely brand spanking new and outfitted with top of the line appliances and free internet. It is fully furnished and we've reserved it though the middle of October, which is about when we anticipate getting our household goods delivered. That will necessitate our move to a house out in town, Kailua, until base housing becomes available. Chris is at the housing office right now getting the skinny on how long that wait will be.